
GSE's Going Independent?

Fannie and Freddie take a walk alone?

GSE's Still Under Conservatorship
  • FHFA authority: The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has broad authority over the GSEs, including the power to place them in receivership. Receivership allows the FHFA to restructure the capital stack, potentially wiping out the value of junior preferred shares and common stock. This gives the FHFA a strong hand in negotiations.

However, there are some nuances to consider:

  • Repurchase option: The GSEs might use proceeds from selling common stock to repurchase outstanding junior preferred shares. In this scenario, negotiation might be around the price offered for the repurchase.
  • Signaling effect: While they might not have significant power to influence the overall structure, junior preferred shareholders could still influence the terms through a coordinated effort. This could signal to the FHFA or the government the potential for legal challenges or negative publicity.

Overall, the negotiating power of junior preferred equity in a Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac capital stack or restructuring is limited due to their subordinated position, reliance on government backing, and the authority of the FHFA. However, there might be some room for negotiation on specific aspects like repurchase price or influencing the process through collective action.