
Swallows Come Back to Capistrano March 19th

swallow cecropis duarica
March 19th the Mission in San Juan Capistrano is celebrating St. Joseph’s Day and the date the Swallows are to return. It is an old fashioned family party. Come join the live music and bring your camera. You ask what does St. Joseph have to do with the swallows?

They are celebrating the feast day of St. Joseph, the husband of Mary. Joseph was a humble carpenter. St Joseph is the kind of man you might choose for a Dad. We know when he took Jesus to be circumcised at the temple to be purified he offered of two turtledoves or a pair of pigeons, allowed only for those who could not afford a lamb (Luke 2:24).

 An angel came to Joe in a dream and told him Mary was pregnant with God’s child, without question he married Mary. This was during a time when adultery was punishable by death. A real man.

Enough of my side line catechism, what is the connection? The old padres at the mission knew on the feast day of St. Joseph the birds return. Some say it is to honor the Saint. Others might tell you it is the bells that bring the the martins home. I just hope the increasing flocks of crows here don’t scare them away.

Enjoy looking for their mud nests under the 5 Freeway, and come out for the fun.