

Spring is here with the first Epi blooming under the gazebo in my back yard.
These plants are such a joy when they bloom. In a few days I will have twenty basketball sized flowers in this pot.
They look like cactus and get gangly in the Fall but are easy to maintain.
Best is you hang them to play keep away from snails.
I don't use snail bait or poison in my garden.
I put out beer or yeast with sugar water to collect slugs and get some of the snails
drunk. Then it is easy to get rid of them.
Did you know that snail slime is very nutrient for skin?
Gross you say, just wait some salon in Newport Beach will be putting
snails on you for a facial. LOL

Some raised bed ideas- galvanized large animal troughs
A method to keep your poppies, delphinium and vegetables away
from the bunnies. We have a bad rabbit problem in Orange County
I believe the drought has brought them all out from the canyons.
I put some metal simple windmills and old CD's on strings to
have some flashy lights to scare them.
The shiny seems to have brought the crows back.
Sigh Just when I made friends with the crows to
stay away from the mourning doves nest.

I took this photo of bougainvillea being dumped. Thought you might
think it funny as I enjoyed it driving home from my office this week.
Mortgage rates are at amazing new lows. I have been busy.
Call for a quote you probably can get out of your FHA loan or Mortgage
Insurance with the increases in property values.
(949) 784-9699

Local Orange County Produce all Organic

If you want to trade seeds - I have:
nasturtiums, forget me nots, indian blanket, cerenthe, heirloom tomatoes, arugula, lavender, and thyme