
Hepatitis A Solutions for California

The death toll for Hepatitis A is now at twenty people with more than five hundred infected in California. (as of October 31, 2017)
Three in one hundred homeless persons have the infection which is passed by fecal
material on hand contact in poor sanitary conditions. The virus is not "curable" but there
is medication to survive an infection. Homeless persons have less access to healthcare and sanitary conditions, cities with large homeless populations are seeing the highest numbers of infections. San Diego, Santa Cruz, Los Angeles and anywhere it's warm and we have relaxed police policies we will see a huge increase in the numbers of deaths and infections in the coming 2018 year

If you live near or next to homeless camps or homeless persons living on the street you must be extra vigilant about washing your hands with hot water and soap and shake after fifteen times to air dry before eating, after going to public places and before going to sleep. Practice not touching or itching your face. Consider getting the vaccine.

This epidemic isn't being covered by the news. Perhaps the story is not that interesting. 

Items you may consider giving to homeless persons: disinfectant wipes, 
find out where hepatitis A vaccines are being given for free and make a flyer, 
make camping washing stations from milk jugs and put nails in the lid to allow water to spray and a roll of paper towels and liquid soap.
What else can we do?

Fixing the homeless situation is a larger problem. 
We could build simple structures from metal containers, cut out welded windows and doors, add insulation and a shade roof. These could be made into simple mobile homes that are set up on land with community showers and community kitchens. The cost to construct per unit is $19000 cost to rehab a building or build the community building with concrete shower stalls $120000.

All I need is the land and the money to start construction...