
California Native Drought Tolerant Plants for Laguna Zone 9B

Fall Color With no watering necessary
IMG_0002manzanita IMG_0003 IMG_0005 chapparal current
IMG_0007 IMG_0008 IMG_0009 IMG_0010 IMG_0011 IMG_0012 IMG_0013 catalina island cherry
western red bud IMG_0016 IMG_0015IMG_0017
IMG_0018sea lavendar IMG_0019 IMG_0020 IMG_0021 IMG_0022 IMG_0023 IMG_0024 IMG_0025 IMG_0026 IMG_0027 IMG_0028 IMG_0029 IMG_0030 IMG_0035 IMG_0036 IMG_0037 IMG_0038
I plan to replace my grass with a low growing flowering meadow. There are several commercial seed mixes available but I want to combine three or four varieties of clover (red pink and white). The clover will supply nitrogen and having different varieties will allow them to survive all year round. I am considering adding dwarf yarrow, baby blue eyes (very popular in England but might not fair well in full sun) and either corsican mint or globe
gilia_capitata-globe gilia globe gilia might be too tall.
nemophila_menziesii-baby blue eyes baby blue eyes --- nemophilia-menziesii
I want to find red, purple and white clover as the nitrogen fixing base for the new lawn carpet .I shopped on line and found some wholesale sites but need more research
Please see my “before photos and general plan:
http://www.wildflower.org/suppliers/show.php?id=103 this nonprofit website has numerous helpful links


Final edited draft completed. George Leonard - I spiked it on the kitchen table.

I decided to go with Amazon's start up Creat Space, although I have two offers
from what I call brick and mortar paper publishers. One ( starts with a P) estimates
time to printed book in hand to be ten months.

I hold a strong belief the book is suspenseful, timely, and clean writing.

I let go of all my passive past sentence structure and changed from first person
to what I might call an over the shoulder viewpoint. Edits took ten months.

Note to any writers: Think about the point of view in the first Chapter not after
you have written the last line. Point of view was a stickler for two agents and
I took the advice, which was not easy on the ear, and slowly plowed through the
changes. My final writing style in the piece is less Southern Gothic and more
Hemingway than I ever planned. The style fits the theme.

"Toxic Assets" is done.

A wonderful opportunity to see free theater during the month of October is just a click away.
 Nationwide it is "Arts and Humanities Month" in which free admission will be offered at art museums, concerts and theater.

This is the link to theaters offering free tickets to performances in Orange County. This is a great opportunity to get out and see good professional theater.


Go to the blue bar and choose "Th emes" (strangely enough the offer isn't under "Free events")

Select "October Free Night" under themes menu

Click "Reserve your Tickets Now" and you will see a selection of performances available.
