
Disabled Vet Special Property Tax CREDIT

Amended Knight Bill Allows California Disabled Veterans an Extra
You can also go back and amend prior Tax Returns IF you forgot
to take this credit
SPECIAL GIFT TO Disabled Vets Reminder to
Get all the credit you can!
Save money!

This is not tax advise
C G Barbeau

Veterans deemed one hundred percent disabled by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are exempt from paying property taxes on up to $100,000 ($150,000 for veterans with household incomes of $40,000 or less) of the value of their principal residence.

(a) An order for a refund under this article shall not be made, except on a claim:
(1) Verified by the person who paid the tax, his or her guardian, executor, or administrator.
(2) Except as provided in paragraph (3) or (4), filed within four years after making the payment sought to be refunded, or within one year after the mailing of notice as prescribed in Section 2635 , or the period agreed to as provided in Section 532.1 , or within 60 days of the date of the notice prescribed by subdivision (a) of Section 4836 , whichever is later.
(3)(A) Filed within one year, if an application for a reduction in an assessment or an application for equalization of an assessment has been filed pursuant to Section 1603 and the applicant does not state in the application that the application is intended to constitute a claim for a refund, of either of the following events, whichever occurs first:
(i) After the county assessment appeals board makes a final determination on the application for reduction in assessment or on the application for equalization of an escape assessment of the property, and mails a written notice of its determination to the applicant and the notice does not advise the applicant to file a claim for refund.
(ii) After the expiration of the time period specified in subdivision (c) of Section 1604 if the county assessment appeals board fails to hear evidence and fails to make a final determination on the application for reduction in assessment or on the application for equalization of an escape assessment of the property.
(B) Filed within six months, if an application for a reduction in an assessment or an application for equalization of an assessment has been filed pursuant to Section 1603 and the applicant does not state in the application that the application is intended to constitute a claim for a refund, after the county assessment appeals board makes a final determination on the application for reduction in assessment or on the application for equalization of an escape assessment, and mails a written notice of its determination to the applicant and the notice advises the applicant to file a claim for refund within six months of the date of the county assessment appeals board's final determination.
(4) Filed within eight years after making the payment sought to be refunded, or within 60 days of the notice prescribed by subdivision (a) of Section 4836 , whichever is later, if the claim for refund is filed on or after January 1, 2015, and relates to the disabled veterans' exemption described in Section 205.5 .
(b) An application for a reduction in an assessment filed pursuant to Section 1603 shall also constitute a sufficient claim for refund under this section if the applicant states in the application that the application is intended to constitute a claim for refund.  If the applicant does not so state, he or she may thereafter and within the period provided in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) file a separate claim for refund of taxes extended on the assessment which the applicant applied to have reduced pursuant to Section 1603 or 1604.
(c) If an application for equalization of an escape assessment is filed pursuant to Section 1603 , a claim may be filed on any taxes resulting from the escape assessment or the original assessment to which the escape relates within the period provided in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a).
(d) The amendments made to this section by Chapter 656 of the Statutes of 2014 apply to claims for refund filed on or after January 1, 2015.


Grant Seminar

 Thursday February 21st Event

9:00 AM
Breakfast included
But you must make
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949   784 - 9699



Down Payment



OBSTÁCULOS AL REFINANCIAMIENTO: ¿Qué percepciones podrían evitar que ahorres dinero?

«Leí que la tasa de interés debe ser 1 o 2 % más baja que la actual».

Cuando las cantidades promedio de los préstamos eran mucho más bajas, se necesitaba un descenso mayor en las tasas para conseguir ahorros reales. Hoy en día, incluso las diferencias pequeñas pueden tener un gran impacto. La mejor forma de determinar el valor es dividir tus costos por tus ahorros. Esto brinda un período de «equilibrio», y si sabes que usarás tu préstamo luego de ese punto, el resto son ganancias puras.
«Todavía no llegué al punto de equilibrio de mi último refinanciamiento».

Eso tal vez no importe. Refinanciar otra vez requerirá una inversión adicional, pero podría hacerte llegar a un punto de equilibrio general, y a ahorros más grandes, más rápido.

«No quiero agregar años a mi préstamo».

El préstamo nuevo que se crea cuando refinancias es ficticio. Tú determinas la duración real del préstamo según cuánto pagues. Si al bajar tu tasa de interés ahorras $100 por mes, añade ese dinero a tu pago nuevo. Reducirás tu saldo más rápido y alcanzarás la apropiación antes que si hubieras conservado tu préstamo actual.

«Es demasiado caro. Prefiero ahorrar mi dinero».

¡Refinanciar es ahorrar! Las tasas de interés históricamente bajas que actualmente hacen que un refinanciamiento sea tan bueno también hacen que «ahorrar» tu dinero en el banco sea un pésimo negocio. Los bancos solo pagan fracciones de porcentaje por guardar tu dinero, pero invertir en un refinanciamiento te ahorrará cientos de dólares por mes y obtendrás un rendimiento mucho mayor.
Ejemplo: Si cerrar cuesta $3600 con ahorros anuales de $1200, eso es una tasa de devolución del 33 % de tu dinero ($3600 x 33,3 % = $1200).
Lo que es mejor, con frecuencia puedes refinanciar sin usar fondos de tu bolsillo.

Refinanciar también puede tener otros beneficios. 

Una tasa más baja no solo puede significar pagos más pequeños, sino que también pagarás más para el saldo principal cada mes. Tal vez puedas liberar dinero para renovar tu hogar, financiar educación universitaria, comprar un hogar para vacacionar o invertir en propiedades sin añadir gastos mensuales.

¿Estás listo para explorar tus opciones de refinanciamiento según los números? Estamos para ayudarte. 

Grant Seminar Irvine California

Realtors, Real Estate Agents, Escrow, Title, Insurance

Seminar this Thursday morning 9:00 AM Irvine California
Call me to make a reservation
Grants ~ Down Payment Assistance ~ Mortgage

(949) 784- 9699