
Rick Perry Hunting Accident

 I love numbers.
"Just the facts Mam..."

A .380 Ruger with a crimson tree laser weighs 16 ounces + a holster 14 ounces.
That's a large gun to carry on a run. No runner on this earth would carry this gun.
If you are in fear of animal preditors; a shotgun is what you carry.
I'm a runner.  The edges of this gun would be clanking and getting in my way.
I'm a good shot. This is not a gun I would choose for snake hunting, Rick's story is

Labrador retriever average weight 65-90 pounds. My sister's Back lab male was 120 all muscle with
the big square head- no coyote would have come out of the bushes. Average Lab height at shoulders 25".

Coyote weight 15-45 pounds and shoulder height 15"

Rick Perry is a big guy what ? 220 pounds?

I have faced three coyotes with a baseball bat, in the dark.
I am 5' 1" and tiny.
Think super vicious cocker-spaniel and Rick says it was one.
Yes coyotes can be hungry and sneaky and yes call them Western
legend evil...
Coyotes do what they must for food.
This is not an accident.
This is a macho guy making up an unauthenticated tale based on numbers
that do not add up.
Rick y'all welcome for a visit to my place in Wyoming.

Houston Chronicle reported this note:


gun shown here not a Ruger

So what do you think?

A politician always tells the truth?



I don't know what a thin file is, I never read that until today.
We were a team, I don't know who was in charge.
I didn't read the document that I wrote.

Are you talking about Saint Francis’ and Wolf of Gubbio?

FICO could be monkeyed with?
Moody's is what?

Misrepresenations from Sparks to Mullen?

I never looked at papers in a file I just priced them.

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