
Succulent Hillside

I will be writing captions and naming each succulent but I have 80 images to organize 

Stunning hillside

White sage - easy to grow smells heavenly clears the sinus
White yarrow comes also in yellow pink and lavender. I planted this from seed then found I am allergic to it and it is so hardy it keeps returning. Pretty lacy fine leaves

 American Agave

Charming Front Doors

Couple ideas to decorate your front door.
This red door framed by terracotta pots is cheerful

Okay my photo is a little crooked, but the gloss black paint is
slick! Forsythia wreaths (from local craft store ready made)

Basket with flowers on the knocker, charming

I love this unique and classy front entrance.
Simple ideas can add curbside appeal to your home.
The upside down brooms in antique milk jug serve a couple purposes-
they look great , add texture and are useful to tidy up those leaves or
spiders at your door.