
Michael Graves Fire Sale!

Shiny new teapot

Some years back I bought several Michael Graves items for my home. If you are unaware Michael Graves is a brilliant architect and designer. Most of the items were not terribly expensive, but I wrongly assumed they were functional. I looked online and found a couple of my items for sale on ebay and they all seem to be like mine - non operational.

The singing teapot was such a cute item when we first bought it. My daughter loved to make tea but unfortunately it lasted about ten heat ups and the bird whistle actually melted. This was the first of the failures. I also bought the egg timer above which never seemed to keep time. Below is a photograph of my toaster- the plastic white front melted from the heating coil ( thank God it didn't burn the house down) and the handle that pops the toast down never seemed to remain intact or engaged. Also below is a garlic press note it is missing half of an arm. The metal used to create the handles was so brittle and soft it snapped off and is broken. We threw away the handle some time ago. Also the little battery powered clock is made of the same metal aggregate material- the hands of the clock fell off.

Target stopped making these cool housewares objects I believe in 2013. All of them were made in China. In retrospect I wonder does Michael Graves ever feel embarrassed that these items that he thought were bringing creative design to American homes were junk and maybe even dangerous? 

In my work I see this with homes. Buyers are still looking for deals in REO's but the danger is they have no idea what condition the home is in. The house might look nice from the curb, might even be polished up and painted over by some flipper but the bones inside are junk. 

I know of a couple people who bought a Flip house without knowing it was:
1. a meth house three years back
2. had leaks and mold
or 3. the plumbing froze and every pipe in the walls was brittle or removed
These houses all ended up needing major repairs to make them inhabitable

Like myself buying a new toaster, tea pot and housewares thinking they all looked
great - and enjoying the fun of the outside appearance- in the end quality is
what really lasts.

Buyer beware I guess.

Anyone want to buy six Micheal Graves things all soon to become museum pieces
that by the by don't work? Only $3.99 for all six. Fire sale!
my graveyard of Michael Graves home appliances

Broken house hold items that seemed nice on the outside


Raise Your FICO Score

Lead a horse to water, take a drink for them?

I am working on a number of refinances. Some are streamline
FHA refinances into lower rate, lower MI premium. Often
Borrowers choose a FHA loan product not just because of
the low down payment, but because their FICO score is
low or they have credit challenges.

For some reason credit habits are like any other habit-
drinking five glasses of water or closing your eyes to bills
when money is tight. Many of the customers who I fixed 
their credit now are back again in the same low score situation.
All credit can be repaired. It takes letter writing, juggling some
balances, making sure everything going forward is current and
some tips and tricks. I am again sharing with you tips on how to
get your FICO up:

Opt out - do a consumer credit opt out and stop all the
junk mail and soft credit pulls, also helps prevent fraud

Balances below 69% of available line

Ask me about a letter writing campaign for free

Get everyone current and pay on time.

DON'T close accounts

Do not ever give your social to CarMAx

Don't let people pull your credit file

Open a Bank Account
Open a bank account and use it responsibly. This is the first step to establish a financial history.

Secured Credit Card

Apply for a credit card. Shop around & only apply for a card if you can meet the lender�s requirements. Responsible use will help build a good credit history.
Get a Co-Signer
A good way to establish credit is to piggy-back onto someone who already has a good credit history established and is willing to co-sign, but be aware that any default of credit on your part affects the credit of the co-signer.

C. G. Barbeau
(949) 784- 9699
NMLS # 324982

Store & Gas Credit Cards
Since some gasoline credit cards are not revolving they are sometimes easier to obtain than regular credit cards. Similarly department stores offer revolving credit for a specific purchase and this is sometimes easier to obtain. It is also a great way to establish credit.


Streamline FHA Spouse' Credit

Just a quick note to let you know we DO NOT have to pull credit on a non-borrowing spouse in a Community Property State on our Non-Credit-Qualifying FHA STREAMLINE REFINANCE loans.

Non borrowing spouse can have bad or weak credit