
Between a Rock

The market opened today’s morning session with treasuries moving slowly higher across all maturities. The ten year, what we spot for mortgage pricing in the following hours (10-Year Treasury yield)  is at 0.5117, 3.60 basis points decreased from yesterday's prior closing of 0.5477.
Miniature painting by Behzad with gold leaf border

United States stocks opened lower this morning as investors weigh uncertainty of a congress-approved stimulus against better than forecasted jobs data. US lawmakers continue talks over a new COVID-19 relief package, with a self-imposed deadline set for tomorrow.

President Trump is sinking in the poll numbers amid the virus's resurgence, Democrats play hard-ball, refusing smaller scale proposals that do not include additional aid for postal service and state governments to conduct Vote-by-Mail, which the White House vehemently opposes. Come together two rocks!

Something has to give, between a rock and a hard place, so the saying goes. Americans face huge unemployment numbers, unbelievable forbearance numbers and next we will witness unprecedented evictions and foreclosures as there are not great replacement jobs available in the country. If I could give advice to lawmakers, politicians it is this: the poor, the minorities, the quiet Americans who worked hard need your planning and help now. If you need help with a home loan, let's talk I am here to help.


Happy Home

suuculents and zinnias
Making your home beautiful this summer doesn't need to be expensive.
The containers for the above succulent planters are re-used rain gutters that
neighbor threw away, added brackets and attached to wooden fence.
Succulents are from cuttings - soil is well draining with one part each:
 sand, pearl-ite, and compost. In the first month they need to stay damp (you can 
cover with newsprint or used plastic to keep the soil from drying out).

Bromeliads are easy care indoor plants that add color- they do need light,
but not full sun of the open garden. A porch or patio will make a nice home.

I might be able to save you money on your monthly mortgage. Give me a
call, lets see if we can get rid of your mortgage insurance or make financial
sense out of this crazy time. Rates are at all time lows.
C G (949) 784-9699
NMLS 324928

Bromeliads blooming in patio


Identity Theft Protection Red Flags

jeweled dresses


Anyone who has been  victim of Identity Theft knows it is a hassle. 

There are steps a bank or lender are required to keep you safe; but

you must also be diligent.

Change your passwords on any money account or any that hold a credit card

Review your statements

Give your bank or credit card company your cell phone and email that you open

Opt for two stage authorization

Delete credit cards from old accounts that are dormant

When you receive an inbound email look at the email address of the sender.

If you don't recognize the sender, DO NOT click on any links.

Facebook, Apple, Google do not need your real date of birth or address.

Lenders, banks, mortgage companies those who collect payments and more must follow

new Red Flags laws to protect your information. Here are some handy questions

and answers about identity theft red flags


Which could be a red flag?

A. Document that looks altered or forged

B. Person on ID does not look like person present


C. Both A and B

D. Neither A, nor B




A compliant Red Flags Program will have policies and procedures to identify, detect, and ______ Red Flags

A. Respond

B. Investigate

C. Remove

D. Prevent




Banks are required to exercise effective oversight of service providers for Red Flag Rule compliance.


A. Always

B. True, only if they are conducting activities covered by the Rule

C. Never

D. True, only if they have subscribed to implement the same policy as the bank.




Which of the following is not required in a Red Flags Rule program?

A. Detail on how the program will keep current with new threats

B. Appropriate actions it will take when it detects red flags

C. A manner in which to detect red flags


D. A list of penalties for those accused of identity theft




The four steps that are required as part of the Red Flags Rule are?

A. Identify, Detect, Respond, Update

B. Find, Investigate, Suspend, Remove

C. Inquire, Evaluate, Act, Remove

D. Find, Evaluate, Respond, Remove


 Anything too good to be true is a sign to run.



Flowers Four Dollars

Artichoke Flowers Four Dollars Each

I love artichokes, steamed with lemon peels, or boiled with rosemary, or simmered slowly in garlic.

This farmer was digging up the spent flowers, as the heat spell sent the vegetable into flower then seed mode, no longer edible but pretty enough to sell at the farmer's market. I love that he didn't give up on making profit from his mistake and presenting a wild looking thistle on a contrasting color tablecloth with his cute marketing sign. Success comes when you keep trying. See the opportunity and create something. When you fail you say to yourself, what did I learn from that moment? and plan again, shake off the dust from the trucks speeding in the fast lane and get back on your own road. This time is hard being apart from friends and those we love. Call them, write to them and
for heaven's sake stay off the yelling opinions on social media.
Much love
I hope my echinaecia, dalias, zinnias in kerr jars make you smile and give you courage. You know the simple coneflower does fight virus and infections.