Plants that are colorful but require low water, no chemical spraying, and low care. I have a number of blue pots that I purchased at Plant Depo in San Juan Capistrano and Green Thumb nursery when they have blow out sales. The deep blue glaze is best made in Vietnam, so the shipping costs make them pricey, but I love that color.
I have seen my Moulton Niguel Water bill increase by double in the past two years, and it is not because of some leak, it is that we had less rain to refill my swimming pool over the summer.
Photograph of a Gorgeous canna that smells like jasmine
Photograph of Mexican sage in my yard, has bloomed for nine months. It will die back if we get a cold snap, but requires little water, no fertilizer, and is pest resistant. The bonus is Mexican sage attracts butterflies and song birds follow...