
Credit Card Stacking Zero Interest Rate

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Credit Card Stacking

Zero Percent Interest Start Rate for limited time

then Maximum rates 22-25


Apply for them all the same three hours

I receive NOTHING from these links

Many companies charge you $1000 -$3000

to set this up. You must have FICO above 721.

You must have the ability to make the minimum

payments. This is not for long term use. This is

a band aid. This is not financial or legal advice.

They can close the account if your FICO declines

or they feel like it.

Specific Offers:


U.S. Bank Visa® Platinum Card

0% for 21 billing cycles

18.74% - 29.74% (V)

Citi Simplicity® Card

0% for 12 months

19.24% - 29.99% (V)

Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card

0% for 12 months

18.24% - 28.99% (V)