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       Caroline Gerardo services California Home Loans
Call and Ask about a Five Million Dollar Beach House or a USDA rural no down payment loan
or our gift program
NMLS #324982
          Universal American Mortgage Company of California, dba Eagle Home Mortgage  of California, A Lennar Homes company Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act. RMLA #4130383, NMLS #252392. Certain restrictions apply. This is not a commitment to lend. Applicants must qualify.



Urth Cafe Laguna Beach

Laguna Beach house balcony
Just a personal blog note today.
Weather in Laguna Beach has been overnight dripping showers,
not cold enough to put on a wet suit,
not warm enough to garden after work.
Dare I complain when I'm headed to Boston to visit
colleges with my son, and stay at Harvard Business
School professor apartments with my sister Nori.
This morning I sighted contractors with paper
plans in rolls at the long defunct Cottage restaurant.
I look forward to Urth Café opening at the old Cottage location.
Urth Café in Los Angeles is one of my favorite stops.
It will be fun to have them right across from the museum.
I can see the line now.
I wonder how long it will take to clean up the
grease traps, leaking roof and
dare I say foundation.
Meanwhile I'm shopping my seed catalogues
for rare vegetables and flowers for spring.
What are you working on?


Foreign National Mortgage

Beach house patio

Investment homes, second homes, beach house

Foreign Nationals Canadians Chinese Buy US properties

Caroline Gerardo Loan Officer NMLS #324982 Cell 949-637-8190 Office 949-784-9699 eFax 855-883-4303 http://cgbarbeau.blogspot.com/ www.eaglehomemortgage.com/carolinegerardo/ Committed to Seeing You Home. Eagle Home Mortgage 8105 Irvine Center Drive Suite #500 Irvine CA 92618 NMLS #849059 CA #813I609 Universal American Mortgage Company of California, dba Eagle Home Mortgage of California. Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act. RMLA #4130383, NMLS #252392. Certain restrictions apply. This is not a commitment to lend. Applicants must qualify. copyright 2014 information was sent by: Caroline Gerardo | 8105 Irvine Center Drive #500, Irvine, CA 92618


Grants Gifts Money to Buy a Home

Laguna Beach House


Rate Sheet  as of 2/4/2013 Rates Change this is not a Commitment to Lend
Down Payment Assistance Loan Description 30 Year

3% Grant Program  4.25%  rate 4.400 APR

5% Grant Program  4.75%  rate 4.901 APR

CHDAP FHA         3.875% rate 4.021 APR

CHDAP CONV.       4.125% rate 4.290 APR

Down Payment Assistance

Homebuyers Fund:
Designed to increase
homeownership opportunities
for low-to-moderate
income individuals
and families in California.
Down Payment Assistance

proceeds may be used
for down payment
and/or closing costs up to 5%.
Or $21,100.00
It may not be enough to buy a Beach house in Laguna, but certainly
a wonderful program for a first time home buyer.
Caroline Gerardo
Loan Officer
NMLS #324982
Committed to Seeing You Home.
NMLS #849059 CA #813I609 Universal American Mortgage Company of California, dba Eagle Home Mortgage of California.
    Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act.
RMLA #4130383, NMLS #252392. Certain restrictions apply. This is not a commitment to lend. Applicants must qualify.
This is not a commitment to lend.
Rates and terms change daily.
Borrower must qualify for FHA loan purchase.